


Friday 27 August 2010

Close Multitasking Apps with Just One Tap

Cydia has recently launched Multifl0w, an app that allows you to simultaneously open up to nine apps on your iPhone. Having opened nine of them, is there a way that you can close all nine with just one tap?

Right now, closing multitasking apps on iPhones running iOS 4 means you have to close them one by one. No app in the Apple App Store could provide a convenient way to close everything with just one action.

However, if you have a jailbroken iPhone, you can avail of a convenient way to close your background apps with just one tap. An add-on for SBSettings called “Remove Background” is now available. It is a free hack that can be downloaded from Cydia.

First, you would need to install SBSettings. After installation, launch SBSettings and tap the “Remove BG” button to close all apps running in the background.

Simple, isn’t it?

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